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Crawley Green
Infant School

Valuing the individual and celebrating achievement

Valuing the individual and celebrating achievement


Attendance Matters


Why is good attendance so important?


 We recognise that children have the best chances to succeed in their education, resulting in better life chances when they attend school regularly and on time. We want to set children up for success when they move onto the next stage in their lives, leading to them having greater opportunities in their adulthood. Nothing can replace missed school and research shows that those children who have excellent attendance have the best chances of being successful in school and beyond. 


Our traffic light system illustrates our expectations for attendance and when we may be concerned. 

Be an attendance HERO! 

Here Everyday Ready and On time



  • Each week all of our children who reach 100% attendance or more will be named as our Attendance Heroes. They will be put into a draw to win a prize. 
  • All children who attend school for 100% of the term or year will have a special event and certificate.
  • Each month we have a special reward for children who have shown the most improved attendance. The Attendance Champion Team analyses the registers regularly, Those children below 97% who have made the most improvement will be recognised. 
  • Each week we analyse the registers to see which class has been the most successful at coming into school on time.
  • The class with the fewest late pupils (the aim is to have no lates) receive the “On Time Tiger” who stays in their classroom for the week and this class receives a Punctuality Point; these points are added up at the end of each term and the winning class receives a reward. 
  • Punctuality is reviewed termly by the Attendance Champions and actions are set as necessary. 




Our full Attendance Policy can be found here:

School Day


Morning Drop Off

Front Gates will be open from 8.30am and close at 8.50am

Reception Doors Open 8.40am and close at 8.50am

Years 1 & 2 Doors open at 8.40am and close at 8.50am 

Anyone arriving after 8.50am will need to enter through the front office and sign in using our InVentry System


Afternoon Home Time

Front Gates open at 3.10pm

Reception doors will open at 3.15pm 

Years 1 & 2 Doors will open at 3.25pm
